Friday, April 17, 2015

C3 Prayer Final Day (Saturday): Children

The motto of Stadia, the church planting organization C3 planted through is "We won't stop until every child has a church."

Here is a video we did for Stadia that highlights some of the ways that we have tried to be good news for kids in Columbus and globally as well.

Join us in praying for continued impact on kids.

Many folks who come to faith in Christ do so in the window of life from age 4-14. Kids matter. They mattered to Jesus and they should matter to His people.

Pray for our friends at GEMS and GPS schools that we can continue to be a blessing.

Pray for our friends in Weinland Park, an economically beat up part of Columbus. We have a missional community living and serving in that area and connecting with kids in particular.

Reflect in prayer about what ways you have a heart for kids and how you can be more engaged in making sure every child has a church!

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