Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Church Planting is rapid fire big decision after big decision. Who will we reach? Who will we be? Who will be engaged? What does it mean to measure success? Where will we gather? When will we gather? What is our aim? What are our non-negotiables? What are our core values? Who, When, Where, What, How, Why....

And I just had a moment this past week that was really important.

It was simply a clear recollection of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

That Jesus brings dead things to life.

That the cross brings rescue to the dying, relief to the weary and redemption to the wicked.

That all of these decisions really have one very simple answer. The Gospel.

The Gospel is the most compelling, beautiful, liberating, urgent matter.

Why do we do what we do? Because the Gospel must go forward.

I know this is so basic...but I am convinced that we spend way too much time majoring in the minors, when if we would just recall the power of the Gospel, our lives would have a greater impact. Theology, Our Past, Our Present, Our Future. All are secondary compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Jesus Christ. Gospel.

Concerned about your child? Gospel.

Unsure about your job? Gospel.

Want to know your purpose? Gospel.

Want to make a difference? Gospel.

Unsure of God's will? Gospel.

Kid have a rare genetic disease that is causing her heart to calcify and consequently she is in compensated heart failure and doesn't take food accept through a tube through her nose? Gospel.

The more Gospel centered our thinking, the more alive we become.

Christ has died. Christ is Risen. Christ will come again.

That is all there needs to be.