Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Being ALL IN with the Thompsons (Part Two)

You can INtercede for us in prayer to God everyday in 2012.

And you can come INto the City with us.

I know not all of you are called to this. But I believe more of you than are willing to consider it are called to this.

We are looking for people who are called to go...not just people who are bored or are looking for a new or better expression of the Church.

Some of you are already in the Columbus area and it is just a matter of you saying, I'm IN with this church! Others, you'll have to pack your bags, take planes, trains or automobiles and relocate with us to Columbus.

There is obvious risk and unknown written all over this journey and all over your journey if you join us. But, risk and unknown seem to be particularly biblical concepts, except they are called 'faith' and 'trust'.

I won't twist arms. I just want to give you the opportunity to consider God's calling.

Because 10, 20 or 30 years from now, I want you to be able to say with confidence that you lived in God's calling rather than 'play-it-safe' disobedience.

Obviously this is a big step. If you are feeling a tug, we should talk before you rent the U-Haul.

If you're called INto the City, email me at thompson14b@gmail.com

Life is too short and the gospel too urgent to play it safe and hide in security.

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