Monday, October 17, 2011

Pennies from Heaven

Listen to this

While you read this

So a fellow heart warrior a few doors down from us in the hospital named Cohen is 18 months old. He has just gone through his 4th heart surgery.

His mom stopped by today and shared that before his first surgery, they found a penny in his 'onesie' that he was wearing. It was a penny from Heaven and they took it with Cohen for his first surgery. He now has 4 from each of his surgeries. And he and his mom thought it would be good for Miss Chaia to have the penny from Cohen's first surgery. So, now taped to the head of Chaia's bed rests a little penny.

Now that we've got that for good luck, I can finally change out of the pair of underwear I've been wearing for the last 22 days...but the rally beard is staying.

More importantly, Cohen and family need your prayers. They are on the brink of being able to go home. Pray that God would bring that about quickly.


Keisha Joy said...

*prayers for little Cohen!*

You guys have the strongest little children and as parents you're far stronger than you give yourselves credit for. <3

BTW love Elf! Thanks for putting a smile on my face.

painterned said...

Well you may know I am not the smartest when it come to computers, posting things, etc but I also know that you wanted songs with the word heart in it but I have been playing "Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns over and over! What an awsome song for little Chaia, you special parents and for little Cohen just down the hall. God bless you all He is all knownig and His will , will be done!

painterned said...

Now I dont know if the word heart had to be in the title and I know I am past the deadline but in the lyrics it does say " though my heart is torn , I will praise you in this storm!! We had more special prayer time here Sunday morning and at 7 pm while I was at work I dropped to my knees for little CHAIA What an awsome turnout you had sunday night!!The Heavens were truely BOMBARDED!!!

Erica said...

I thought I was done crying for the week, until I read this. I hope that special penny brings Chaia lots of luck, but she's already pretty lucky because she has parents like you guys. Cohen made it home, and is napping in his own bed. :)