Sunday, November 30, 2008

EDGE Sunday

I just sat down after completing three EDGE Sunday services. I am always surprised at where and when God moves.

I had some ideas about where I felt God was leading the service but I could not figure out where the message was supposed to go. I sat down repeatedly to write a message, but came up empty all week. Last night I was about at wits end...finally I went to bed with about 40 options running through my head and I woke up at 5 to try to make some sort of coherent message.

I still do not feel like that happened, but I have not been in a church service that was more emotional for the people than this service.

God worked through the young adults and touched hearts despite it! To see young adults make a public statement about the change they've experienced in Christ and have some of them share their musical gifts, it was just a really moving service. It is humbling to see God move. An older member of the congregation that I had not met shared how meaningful the service was to her and how it caused her to remember her own story.

I am gonna watch some of the browns game and probably catch up on some sleep.

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