Tuesday, September 30, 2008

So it begins

In honor of starting my last year of seminary.

(Keep an eye on the synchronized guitar swaying. Its a lost art...it really is.)


Unknown said...

this is great Ben! and congrats on your last year! It'll be fun to see God work in you and Shaina in full time ministry

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the final year. Youve been a blessing so far, and the future will bring great things. Sad thing is, I remember digging that song when it came out, and having that hair! Maybe I need to borrow some of those moves on Sunday mornings? (rhetorical question, no "triple-dog daring!)

father michael said...

Gosh, that's a great song.

Ben said...

Haha, its funny that I get more feedback when I put up 80s rock than when I talk about anything else. Thanks for the encouragement...Maybe we'll have a featured 80's band each week on here. I'm taking nominations