Saturday, June 7, 2008

Shaun Groves rocked my world.

You ever hang out with someone and just sense the sincerity and passion dripping off of them like you were in a 90 degree room with little air circulation? I had that experience tonight with Shaun Groves. I have a real passion for musicians/singers/songwriters, particularly those with a profundity to their spiritual walk and their lyrics.

Shaun not only shared the heart of his music, but he is also a very gifted speaker. The way that he articulated the gospel message really stuck with me tonight. He spoke on how we are not merely SAVED FROM SOMETHING (Hell) but that primarily we are SAVED FOR SOMETHING (having the Lord's will be done on earth as it is in heaven.) I was blessed by the night and long for more of that type of atmosphere (alright maybe in my selfishness a slightly cooler atmosphere would be even better.)

Thanks to this guy for putting together the event. If you've got some down time also check out Shaun's 'shlog'

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey there - thanks for the love. I am glad you enjoyed it - plus it was like sitting in a steam bath!

One note - the link to my site doesn't work. For some reason my site is case-sensitive. I'm working to fix that. Click my name here to get to the site.