Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Myth of Scarcity

We are moving toward a year old as a church.

It's been a fun start. We have a long way to go.

I've found myself constantly pushing toward more. We need more people. More C3ers to invite others. More people investing in unchurched people. More people involved in missional living. More people giving financially. More people serving on Sunday mornings. More leaders. More leaders pursuing Christ-likeness. More resources. More staff. More. More. More.

And I look at Christians, myself included, and I see the same thing. How much money would be the ideal amount to make? A little bit more than I'm making now. I need more of this...more of that. I would follow God more if He showed Himself more. More. More. More.

Listen, the good news of the Gospel is that The King adopted us. That means we're equal, rightful heirs to all the King (our father) has. Our inheritance. Last time I checked, the earth is the Lord's and everything in it. So if we get an equal share of infinite supply, neediness no longer is in our vocabulary.

There is NOT a scarcity of resources. We don't need more. We aren't lacking. We aren't needy.

We have Christ and He is more than enough.

He doesn't give us rocks when we need bread.

He's good. And all He has is ours.

So? Where there is a lack of something, we need to see differently. What we deem a disadvantage is actually quite possibly an advantage that needs to be unearthed and yielded to God.

David vs. Goliath? The lack of armor...the lack of a sword/swordsmanship...the lack of size...the lack of military all points to scarcity.

But actually it led to ingenuity and faith.

Where you sense a lack of resources, it is either an opportunity for God to show up in powerful ways or you've ventured into something God has not led you to.

Either invites you to lean more into God and trust His provision.

What is at the root of the places you've deemed to be in need?

**One thing that needs addressed...many brothers and sisters around the globe have legitimate need based on their circumstances...hunger/access to clean drinking water/shelter, etc. I think there is direct correlation between that lack and the West's excess. If we would gravitate toward enough by living generously, those who lack would gravitate toward enough as well.

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