Monday, September 10, 2012


Acts 1:8

"You will be my witnesses to Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the ends of the earth."

It is the verse that provides the roadmap/gameplan of the Church.

And it is the model I'm asking you to pray through for C3 this week.

Jerusalem. Pray for each individual of C3 to seek to be a blessing to someone in their family, or their dorm, or their workplace, or their neighborhood. Pray that these intentional blessings would lead people to Christ and His Church.

Judea. Pray for our Missional Communities. We are beginning the process of replication, going from one MC to three! Pray for our MC Leaders, (Me and Shaina, Ryan and Matt and Kristie). Pray that we would lead C3 by modeling what it means to be missional. Pray for our Missional Community Cookout for Westerville/Otterbein. One of our MC's will be in Westerville, so pray for impact as this initial service is really important!

Samaria. Pray for the 614 area code. Pray that as we continue to go after this City and Campus, that we would rub shoulders with more and more people and that C3 would be a pipeline rather than a bucket. (We should be a conduit of love, grace, forgiveness, blessing...rather than a storage space for such things.)

Ends of the Earth. Pray for C3 and Ecuador. We are going for a partnership with a new church plant in Ecuador. Not only will we help them get off the ground (pray that we can contribute $2000 to that) but we will then seek to sponsor Compassion kids from that village, and form a lasting partnership with that area of the World. An infant Church Plant trying to give away $2000 this early in the game is a huge step of faith. But we will be a conduit of grace and blessing from the beginning!

Thanks for praying! Chaia had a rough week this past week but had a better weekend! Pray for healing and for Shaina and I to hold steadfast to hope even on the tough days. And pray for protection for our marriage.

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