Monday, July 18, 2011

Parenting for Dummies Part One

There are any number of dreams I have for you.

Any number of ambitions, hopes, aspirations.

Any number of idols I might cling to.

I even feel the pull on my heartstrings to be derailed from God's calling for protect preserve you.

But in the end, only one prayer will suffice.

Whether it is one more breath or one more century of breaths, may your life be leveraged for the glory of God, indebted to the grace of God and captivated by the heart of God day after day.

And may my heart, dreams and expectations stay out of your way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you not only have blessed Chaia's life with this, but my own as well as my future husband and children's. thank you. may the Lord continue to bless you and keep you.
God's infinite glory,