Monday, June 13, 2011

Monday Meanderings on Church and Leadership XIII

My young adult group at church has just kicked off a study for the summer on David Platt's book, "Radical".

There is certainly a tension between Jesus' version of discipleship and our American version of discipleship. This book is about that.

The phrase that is sticking with me from this first chapter is 'the cost of non-discipleship'.

Time and time again in the Gospels, Jesus refers to the cost of discipleship.

It's high. Read Luke 14:25-33. It causes you to

hate your family.
hate your own life.
carry a cross.
count the cost.

For many in our churches, the cost of discipleship is that it makes you spend an hour or two on your precious Sunday morning at a building, paying God His dues. For some, the cost of discipleship is when the church is behind financially, we put in a few extra bucks.

The cost of discipleship is more than that. It demands my very life. My affections, my relationships, my time, my money, my ambitions, dreams, hopes, everything.

But if Jesus is who he says he is and rejecting Him does what He says it does, then the Cost of Non-discipleship is even higher.

If you don't lose your life in small consistent ways now. You will lose your life in drastic, irreversible ways later.

He must increase, but I must decrease. John 3:30.

What has to die in you today?

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