Tuesday, October 26, 2010

John 15

So our lifeWorth Groups have been in John this semester. I taught on John 15 over the weekend and did a miserable job. Ever know what you want to communicate, but just can't seem to articulate it?

But God's Word is living and active. John 15 talks about the Vine and the Branches. The whole point seems to be about fruit. If you're not bearing fruit its not going to end well for you. If you're bearing a little bit of fruit, you need pruned so you can bear more fruit. And the ultimate goal is to bear much, lasting fruit.

But that is not the point of the passage. Its the product of the passage. John 15:4"Abide in me as I abide in you." This is the point. The word abide has this connotation of making one's home in a place. I took my dog Shadow on a walk down by the canal on Friday and I just simply prayed 'Make your home in me.' While I'm walking, while I'm working, while I'm golfing, while I'm sleeping, while I'm on a hot date with my wife, while I'm vacuuming...make your home in me.

The reason we don't see fruit in our day to day lives is because we try to compartmentalize God into a 30 minute devotional time or an hour worship service. These are really important things, but the communion with the triune God does not stop when we close our Bible. It does not stop at the benediction. Jesus says abide in me...apart from me you can do nothing.

I don't know about you, but I'm tired of being 'good for nothing'.

Where does God need to be welcomed home in your life?

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