Thursday, August 5, 2010

Sacred Echos the more I've followed God, the more I've seen the truth of this principle enacted. Time and time again, God reenforces something He wants me to get in my life by making a scripture or a theme show up in multiple places in quick succession. The skeptic (also known in these cases as the fool) will say that it is nothing more than mere coincidence.

It happened again this week. REAL Men of Genius, the young adult men's study I teach in the summers has been digging into 1 & 2 Timothy this summer. On Monday, we were in 2 Timothy chapter 1. There are 18 verses in this chapter. We could of focuse on any number of them...and we did, but the one that God led us to end on was verse 7..."For God has not given us a spirit of timidity but of power, love and self control." It was a really enriching time.

It's now Thursday. I sat down to go through my Sunday School lesson that I will be teaching this Sunday out of Mark Batterson's "Chase the Goose". It has been a great study and I highly recommend it if you feel trapped in where your life/faith are going. So I answer the questions on the Cage of Fear and get to the last section and lo and behold there's 2 Timothy 2:7 being quoted and then is in the reflection section at the end of the chapter as the week's memory verse!

There are 31,103 verses in the Bible. The fact that this one verse gets plucked out in two different settings is remarkable. It doesn't stop there. We started Chase the Goose and I felt like we needed to spend two weeks on one of the we did. We've been going a chapter a week in REAL the 7th meeting for the men's group and the 6th session of chase the goose aligned themselves to get this verse across.

So the only thing left to examine is whether God's sacred echo will spurn obedience from His hearer.

Has His echo ever been clear to you?

1 comment:

Alicia Penrod said...

That's so awesome! It's been happening the entire study that the lessons have matched up with sermons or even across other devotionals I've been doing. I saw Matt's Facebook status was that verse earlier this week, and I assumed it was from "Chase the Goose"...I guess it was from your study. The word of God is LIVING and God is constantly coming alive in our lives through His word. Reminds me of this year when I had been dwelling in Romans 4:21-21 , "Yet Abraham did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised" ...I flipped open to this passage randomly, the next day it was in my devotional, then I shared it with a girl I was discipling, and that night we went to church and the sermon was on that passage. God is always speaking to us if we would only pay attention.