Thursday, August 26, 2010

Quotable II.

The late Henri Nouwen, a Roman Catholic Priest when he was preparing to leave Lima, Peru and return to the U.S.

"I look forward to going home tomorrow, to sitting in a comfortable airplane. I like being welcomed home by friends. I look forward to being back again in my cozy apartment, with my books, my paintings, and my plants...But is it there that I will find God?

Or is God in this dusty, dry, cloud-covered city of Lima, in this confusing, unplanned, and often chaotic conglomeration of people, dogs and houses? Is God perhaps where the hungry kids play, the old ladies beg, and the shoeshine boys pick your pocket?

I surely have to be where God is. I have to become obedient to God, listen to God's voice and go wherever that voice calls me. Even when I do not like it, even when it is not a way of cleanliness or comfort."

Where do you know God is at work and what do you need to do to join Him?

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