Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Another quarter in the books

I finished my fifth quarter at seminary last Friday. It was probably one of the busiest quarters I have had. I pulled a couple near all nighters to survive the last week. I enjoy the classes alot but I would be lying if I said this two week spring break was a lousy idea. I am getting some things accomplished (I made a couch delivery to the church to finish off the Edge room) but I am also taking some time to rest and enjoy this time of year (I slept until 8:30 today...it was incredible! I also have some guys coming over tonight to do our annual March Madness auction.

Anyways, I doubt any who read this are too concerned with how I spend my break, so here's the point. Do you take time for rest? I don't mean, do you get 8 hours of sleep each night? Instead, do you just get away? The majority of Christians say they have trouble hearing God's voice. I am in that boat the majority of the time, but I don't blame God for not providing clarity...I admit my schedule is usually too full to find rest and hear that 'still small voice'. This of all weeks (Holy/Passion week) should be a time to simply break away from the routine and spend time with the Lord. Simply delight in God.

So that is my encouragement to you (and me) that this week would break the mold of all other weeks and that we might ask God to meet with us. The question to ask (which some can answer easier than others): What can I cut out of my week this week to be with my Father? TV shows? 60 hour work weeks? Shopping? Checking Email? Reading the extraordinary insights from the Mustard Revolution blog?

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