Friday, December 21, 2007

This is not about Grey Poupon

Ok, so what is this mustard revolution you ask? It is about a seed that a Jewish man spoke of two millenia ago. He said it was small, but it would grow to the point that birds would nest in its shade. He was talking about a kingdom, but why would anyone want a Mustard Bush Kingdom? That's what Jesus does. He makes the everyday, mundane ordinariness, extraordinary. Do we believe it? Are we convinced that Jesus can make a kingdom out of a mustard seed? If so, what could he do with me?

My name is Ben. I go by 'B-smooth' too, but no one has actually called me that. I am wrestling with what it means to be a follower of Christ, a good husband, a man who is relevant, purpose-driven and authentic. I know there is something to this mustard seed. I know that I am filled with discontent with how 'church' usually goes. I know that there has to be more. So it is...a mustard revolution...nothing big or extravagant...just an ordinary, everyday, run-of-the-mill bush...who longs to be radical. Stay tuned as the seed is planted.

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