Monday, December 31, 2007

A New Beginning

New Year's Resolutions are usually a bust for me. I usually have one that says losing a few pounds, reading my Bible more and praying more. This year I am going to go through the daily devotional, "My Utmost for His Highest" by Oswald Chambers. I think this will help my prayer and meditation times and my Bible reading time as well. I'm also going to try some sort of push up/sit up regiment that will keep this chiseled body looking incredible (heavy sarcasm).

We always focus on big life altering resolutions like quitting smoking, being nicer, losing fifty pounds. I wonder what would happen if God's people would resolve to draw closer to Him in 2008. Maybe it is a covenant of prayer time, of serving more in church, simply going to church regularly, or doing more to share our faith, but I challenge you to take the next step in your faith journey. I heard a pastor say that the mature Christian is one who is always seeking the next step in growing with the Lord.

I'd love to hear your plans or resolutions for this new year and if you want to keep me accountable on mine that would be splendid.

In the name of the One who makes all things NEW. Happy New Year.

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