A.D. the time demarcation of the last 2 millennia is Latin for Anno Domini, "The Year of the Lord" or "The Year of Our Lord".
C3 is kicking off the year in Luke, reading through the entire book. It seems appropriate that as we read through the life of the one who ushered in Anno Domini and as we cross a critical juncture in the life of City Campus Church in 2015, that we both declare and pray that this be the year of our Lord. For us as a church. For me individually. For our city of Columbus, we pray may this be Anno Domini.
Many are seeking to live out meaningful rhythms in UP (relationship with God), IN (relationship with Jesus people) and OUT (relationship with the world/those disconnected from God).
Many are wanting meaningful interaction with the Scriptures to connect with God. Here is some help as you begin that pursuit.
Pick something that will bring you good news. If you're trying to press in to following Jesus more, then read the Gospels (pick Luke...we're going to be there all year as a church!) If you're struggling with melancholy/downcast soul/depression, read the psalms. You'll find moments of kindred spirit there, but they always bring it back to Truth. The Bible is less a Book and more a library of Books, filled with different literary genres all depicting the same big story: God and God's people.
With each passage I read, I try to dig into some questions to get into the text more with my heart and mind. I ask WHAT?...What exactly am I reading, do I understand what is going on? Then I ask SO WHAT? And try to glean from the text what the word is for me that day. The early rabbis viewed the Scriptures like a diamond...you could look at the same passage from a slightly different vantage point or perspective and new beauty would emerge. The Bible is living and active. So it has relevance for us. Then lastly I ask NOW WHAT. Ok so I understand the passage. I see how it applies to me. If I don't actually implement it (do something about it), then I end up with a fit mind and a fat body. I know something...But I don't do something about it Every time you interact with God's Word, leave time for thoughtful contemplation that explores two questions: What is Jesus saying to me? What am I going to do about it? These two questions are central to living out life as a disciple. This means you can't just scarf down a quick meal of God's Word, but you may actually have to chew...and savor...and digest.
For those committed to making 2015 Anno Domini in the way they pray, I encourage you to pick up Richard Foster's book entitled "PRAYER". It is an accessible book on some of the types of prayers that we find in Scripture and the Christian life. It teaches about a type of prayer and then it allows you opportunity to pray that type of prayer.
Don't get discouraged if you miss a day or suck at these things if you've never done them or done them sporadically in the past.
"If it's worth doing, it's worth doing badly" -- GK Chesterton
It's all about positioning.
May you be filled with anticipation and expectancy of what God might do in 2015!
Anno Domini!
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