Thursday, December 18, 2014


Hey friends, we are two and a half years into this church planting journey.

Looking back at 2014 has been pretty cool. 16 more people took ownership of their faith and were baptized.

Shaina and I have been investing in 12 leaders in discipleship and leadership. Those 12 were unleashed a few months ago to begin investing in people in their communities. So the first generation of disciples was 12. The second generation at last count is 45.

In 12 to 18 months, the hope is the 45 will begin being unleashed to invest in the third generation.

Disciples making disciples who make disciples.

We launched our fifth missional community and have apprentices identified who could launch communities 6, 7 and 8 in 2015.

We are beginning to develop a Missional Residency that will be a 12-18 month incubator for people thinking about launching missional movements where disciples making disciples is central. The goal of this residency will be to hone the calling for these people to then be ready to launch them out to plant churches using C3's DNA.

By our 5th birthday, another City Campus Church planted in one of the 10 largest university contexts in the country.

God is at work.

One thing we have learned in this process is that the goal we set to be fully self-sustaining in three years is ambitious! As things stand, we have just over 100 people who call C3 home, predominantly people aged 18-30 and many who are new to church or have been gone for a long time.

It looks like we are going to need another 2 years to reach the self-sustainability mark and we could use your help.

If you are not part of C3, would you consider joining Team Thompson and support Shaina, Chaia and me at $100/month for 2 years? Our goal is to find 20 $100/month partners for the next two years to help bridge the gap to sustainability. So far we are about 25% of the way to our goal! Would you help us?

If you are part of C3, would you look at your 2015 budget and invest generously in what God is doing in your church?

The story that God is writing in Columbus is a good one. And your prayers and support are the catalyst for change to start here.

If you are interested in being a continued gift to C3, contact me at or click the give option here and click give online in top right corner.

Thanks to all who continue to follow our story, pray for C3 and for Chaia and are in someway being blessed by our mess.

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